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Monthly Archives: January 2012

Home Prices on Decline in US for Third-Straight Month, Says S&P

Tue Jan 31, 2012 on Blog

Newly-released numbers from Standards and Poor’s showed home prices continuing to drop in November for the third straight month.Their home price index, which tracked both 10 and 20-city composites, showed prices going down an average of 1.3 percent in the cities they tracked. Only Phoenix showed an increase in November, with Tampa, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Seattle all reaching new lows. […]

2011 New Home Sales at Record Low

Fri Jan 27, 2012 on Blog

Proof that the housing market is far from recovered, numbers released by the Commerce Department this week show new home sales at a record low for the sixth straight year. In 2011, the non-seasonally adjusted sales for were 302,000, down from 323,000 in 2010. The last time sales didn’t drop was 2005, when we saw 1.2 million sales. According to […]

Redefining Home: Alternative Housing Options

Thu Jan 26, 2012 on Florida Real Estate

As the demand for affordable housing continues to grow, innovative housing start-ups such as Boxabl are providing an alternative to traditional home construction methods. Boxabl offers a mass-produced option for small Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) that can be delivered and set up in as little as two hours. Their Casita product, a 375 sq ft ADU, comes equipped with a full-size bathroom, […]

HUD: Home Affordability at 40-Year High

Tue Jan 17, 2012 on Blog

More good news for home buyers from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, who said in their latest housing scorecard that homes haven’t been this affordable since 1971, when Richard Nixon was president. In this latest report HUD announced the October 2011 affordability index was 197.8. Compare that to the height of the house price bubble in 2006, when it […]