As we discussed in an earlier blog, the 2022 Florida State Legislature had before them a proposed law which would have created one of the strictest condo inspection and reserve funding requirements within the United States. The legislation was an attempt to prevent tragedies such as the horrific Surfside, FL collapse last June, which raised issues of condo ownership, collective responsibility […]
As we continue to live with the COVID-19 pandemic that is morphing into something endemic, the concept of the workplace is ever evolving. While there are many of us who have returned to traditional offices, there also remains others who are able to either work from home or are hybrids (working a few days at a traditional office and remotely). […]
Currently, Florida lawmakers are about to pass on a bipartisan basis one of the strictest condo inspection and reserve funding requirements within the United States. The legislation is an attempt to prevent tragedies such as the horrific Surfside, FL collapse last June, which raised issues of condo ownership, collective responsibility for condo maintenance and upkeep, and inadequate reserves. Picture courtesy […]