Different technologies have developed to offer alternate materials for home construction. Aside from 3-D print technology as we had discussed in an earlier blog, Kota Machida and Yuya Sakai, researchers at Tokyo University, have recently developed a technology that converts food waste into potentially edible “cement” for construction use. These researchers claim that the strength of the cement, made entirely from […]
Wed Jun 8, 2022 on Florida Real Estate
There is new market research that indicates that home price listings throughout the United States have been reduced 24.1% over the past few weeks. Why? With increased demand and short supply of homes, many sellers have been able to place their homes on the market for much higher prices with buyers willing to pay over their asking price. However, with […]
Tue May 31, 2022 on Florida Real Estate & News
The Florida Legislature unanimously approved a condominium safety bill, S.B. 4D, this past week, which now awaits the Governor’s signing. Pursuant to that bill, buildings three stories or higher and thirty years old will have to undergo strict safety inspections and every ten years thereafter. Buildings within three miles of the coast must be inspected before they are twenty-five years […]
Mon May 16, 2022 on Florida Real Estate
As we indicated in our recent blog, increasing interest rates and home prices led to the consumer behavior of increasing home sales due to buyers’ having a fear of missing out as concern grew that continued increases in mortgage rates would make it even more difficult to purchase a home. Now, we are seeing early indications that more sellers are beginning […]