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Want to Sell Your House? Sell the Furniture!

Tue Jan 31, 2023 on Florida Real Estate

Homebuyers, now more than ever, are buying homes which come with all of the furniture. While it was not unusual for second home or resort community homebuyers to purchase homes including the furniture, the pandemic has brought many homebuyers in general looking not to buy just a home but also its furnishings—even if the furnishings are not for sale. Why? […]

Redefining Home: Alternative Housing Options

Tue Jan 24, 2023 on Florida Real Estate

As the demand for affordable housing continues to grow, innovative housing start-ups such as Boxabl are providing an alternative to traditional home construction methods. Boxabl offers a mass-produced option for small Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) that can be delivered and set up in as little as two hours. Their Casita product, a 375 sq ft ADU, comes equipped with a […]

Home Purchaser’s Change of Mind: Can You Get Out of a Real Estate Contract?

Mon Jan 16, 2023 on Florida Real Estate

With the housing market cooling down due to rising interest rates and high home prices, many homebuyers are experiencing a change of heart and “buyer’s regret” after signing a real estate contract. The question is, how can a home purchaser legally and effectively back out of the real estate contract? Navigating Real Estate Contingencies As a homebuyer, you have certain periods […]

Post Surfside Tragedy: Effects of New Condo Requirements

Thu Jan 5, 2023 on Florida Real Estate

After the horrific collapse of the Champlain Towers in Surfside, the Governor signed into law that structural inspections are required of most condos over 30 years old, or 25 years old if located within three miles of the coast.  Reports of these inspections must be presented to condo owners, condo associations, and local municipalities. If the inspections show major structural […]